MOC-33442 Movie The Lord of the Rings: Oshankhtar Tower of Orthanc By LegoMocLoc With 4059 Pieces
Orthanc was the black, impenetrable tower of Isengard built by the Dúnedain. By the Great Years and the War of the Ring, it was controlled by the wizard Saruman the White. It stood in the center of the Ring of Isengard, surrounded by great defensive walls fortified by the early Men of Gondor.
Movie MOC-33442 The Lord of the Rings: Oshankhtar Tower of Orthanc by LegoMocLoc MOCBRICKLAND belongs to the building block set of the film and television game series. The entire set contains 4059 building block particles. First released in 2021.
+ Including 4059 high-quality bricks
+ Provided with PDF Building Instruction
This product does not have any stickers and electronically printed blocks. The instruction is only for reference and is subject to the actual parts package.
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