✅ The Iron Giant is a 1999 animated film directed by Brad Bird, based on the 1968 novel The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. Set during the Cold War in 1957, it follows the story of a young boy named Hogarth Hughes who discovers a giant alien robot that falls from space and lands near the small town of Rockwell, Maine. Hogarth and the robot develop a friendship, but as the government becomes aware of the Iron Giant’s existence, tensions rise, culminating in an intense exploration of war, fear, and humanity.
Product Name: The Iron Giant
Category: Movie
This Kit Contains: C10216
1796 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 32 x 15 x 32 cm
Weight: 1.4 kg
PDF Instructions
📌Nature of the protagonist
Introducing our proud collection named “ The Iron Giant ” you should not miss.
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